1.13 percent as a fraction

Here you will see step by step solution to convert 1.13 percent into fraction. 1.13 percent as a fraction is 7/625. Please check the explanation that how to write 1.13% as a fraction.

Answer: 1.13% as a fraction is

= 7/625

How to convert 1.13 percent to fraction?

To convert the 1.13% as a fraction form simply divide the number by 100 and simplify the fraction by finding GCF. If given number is in decimal form then multiply numerator and denominator by 10^n and simplify it as much as possible.

How to write 1.13% as a fraction?

Follow these easy steps to convert 1.13% into fraction-

Given number is => 1.13

  • Write down the 1.13 in a percentage form like this:
  • 1.13% = 1.13/100
  • Since, 1.13 is not a whole number, now we need multiply numerator and denominator by 10^n, n = decimal points in number. [n=2]
  • => 1.13 × 100/100 × 100 = 113/10000
  • We also need to check to simplify the fraction.
  • Greatest common factor [GCF] of 113 and 10000
  • => GCF(113,10000) = 16

    => 113 ÷ 16/10000 ÷ 16 = 7/625

    Conclusion: 1.13% = 7/625

    Therefore, the 1.13 percent as a fraction, final answer is 7/625.

    Percentage to fraction converter